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       演 讲 者:哈佛公共卫生学院副院长Ian Lapp 博士


  Public Health Education and the Digital Revolution: An Integrated Approach to Innovation

  时    间:11月8日星期五下午3:00

  地    点:新公卫楼220会议室


Ian Lapp, Associate Dean for Strategic Educational Initiatives & Member of the Faculty, SPH, Harvard 

Dr. Lapp leads Harvard’s multi-year educational strategic planning process aimed at charting Harvard’s second century of teaching and learning in public health and informing the future direction of higher education in public health. Dr. Lapp also serves as the course director for Foundations in Public Health, Harvard’s innovative, case-based approach to teaching core public health knowledge. Previously, he was associate dean for academic affairs and education at Columbia University Mailman SPH, where he co-lead the redesign of the school’s MPH degree. He has a BS in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an MA and PhD degree in sociology from Syracuse University, and an MA in television, radio, and film also from Syracuse University.
