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King's College London – Peking University Health Science Center Joint Institute for Medical Research


King's College London (KCL) and Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC) Joint Institute for Medical Research (JI) seeks to identify joint proposals that advance robust collaborations between the institutions that will lead to transformative science and future extramural funding. Proposals must be jointly put forth by co-principal investigators who are full-time faculty at KCL and PUHSC.

The KCL and PUHSC Joint Institute for Medical Research was officially launched in July 2015 with a combined commitment of £500,000 over five years for joint research projects that unlock research opportunities in cancer, cardiovascular care, dentistry and mental health. The JI is positioned to leverage the unique strengths of each university and facilitate translational research that is difficult for either KCL or PUHSC to pursue alone.

The available funding will be prioritized to the current focus areas above. The executive board of the JI is particularly interested in supporting projects that will be likely to promote sustained collaborative activity beyond the end point of the award period. Funding for all awards originate equally from KCL and PUHSC with the intent that the respective amounts will be spent within the originating country.

- Year 1 Award: Up to £25,000 per award (£12,500/year from PUHSC, £12,500/year from KCL).The purpose of the Award is to provide seed funding for collaborative research.

The Call is open to all Academic Departments, Research Institutes, Centres and Groups at KCL and PUHSC.

Submission Due Date & Review Timeline
- Announcement of RFP
o Date January 8, 2016
- Due Date for Proposal Submission
o Date April 7, 2016
- Notice of Award
o Date June 30, 2016

Submission Process
Please submit all documents as a single PDF file, including a request for notice of receipt to: catherine.thristan@kcl.ac.uk and lixiaojia@bjmu.edu.cn

Required Elements of Full Proposal
I. Completed and Signed Face Page:
  a. Title of the project
  b. Name, signatures of Principal Investigators (PIs) and Department Chairs, and contact information of PIs at KCL and PUHSC
  c. Requested funding and established cost-sharing for each participant and for total project

II. Project Description (Award: limit to 5pages, single spaced, 11 pt font, additional background information shall be submitted as appendix)
  a. Executive summary
  b. Objectives (no more than 4)
  c. Background: Existing status quo/state-of-the-art and challenges
  d. Research Strategy and Methodology:
    i. Experimental design/rationale
    ii. Description of major tasks and respective task leaders
    iii. Proposed timeline for major tasks and milestones
    iv. Future directions and research plans for the next three years
    v. Opportunity for subsequent funding (beyond the scope of the seed project)

III. Plan for Protection of Human Subjects

IV. NIH Biosketches of Key Personnel (maximum four pages per individual)
(see attached NIH Biographical Sketch Template)

V. Plans (if any) for interchange of personnel between institutions (include: name of mentors and trainees, training time frame, training objectives/curriculums/activities, description of the trainees’ major role in the project)

VI. Identification of Project-relevant Background Intellectual Property (if applicable)

VII. Letters of support from Department or Divisional Chair and from one of the co-leads for those submitting in one of the focus areas (Cancer, Cardiovascular Care, Dentistry, Mental Health).

VIII. Budget shall include:
Line item budget:
  a. Personnel (for each):
    i. name/role on project
    ii. percent effort
    iii. base salary/benefits
  b. Consultants (per diem only)
  c. Supplies/materials
  d. Participant fees/costs (i.e., expenses per participant including travel, tests, payment for time)
  e. Travel

Budget justification:
For each category above briefly describe and provide justification for each item. Costs must be broken out for both KCL and PUHSC participants. Lodging and other living expenses are to be borne by the home institutions of the visiting researchers.

Funding is provided for Directly Incurred Costs only.

Evaluation of Project Proposals
Proposals will be reviewed by two peer reviewers familiar with the content areas and funding environment in the U.K. and China respectively on the following modified NIH criteria in making the selection of successful proposals:

- Impact and significance of the work
- The potential leveraging of this work into extramural funding
- Qualifications of PIs/Mentors: appropriate to work proposed
- Appropriateness of research design and methodology
- Resources available to do the work

In addition, a major emphasis will be placed on the potential for meaningful collaboration that will be demonstrated by ongoing exchange, trust building, insights into the cultural differences in how research is executed, a willingness to work within the JI structure, and commitment to engaging in the collective work of the JI including an interest in the projects of others.

The JI Executive Committee (EC) will consolidate the review comments, review the proposals based on the additional criteria (below), and make recommendations to the JI Executive Board for approval.

Evaluation criteria:
- Synergy between KCL and PUHSC
- Relevance to the objective of the collaboration
- Potential for external funding
- Cost-effectiveness

Proposals must include Co-Principal Investigators from both KCL and PUHSC. The proposers should clearly indicate: 1) how the proposed study will lead to the desired impacts and 2)how the successful conduct of the seed project will enhance the prospect for securing third party funding. Moreover, preferences will be given to proposals that are able to identify specific external research programs for future funding through Requests for Proposals (RFPs).

Release of Funds
The funding allocation for each project will be informed by the estimated budgets that are reviewed within the context of the submitted outlines and suggested modifications to be included in the full proposal. Projects should have milestones and/or deliverables, and must provide a continuing research plan for the following years. The Award is a one year award; upon project completion, any residual funds will be returned to the JI account.

Project Review
Funded projects will be reviewed at the end of the funding period. The reviews will include assessments of scientific progress, progress toward long-term goals, and progress funds.


Please direct any questions to:

Xiaojia Li, MSc.
Division Chief, Division of Exchange Office of International Cooperation,
Peking University Health Science Center

Catherine Thristan
Programme Manager (International Health) King's Worldwide 


