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9月6日《科学》杂志国际协作、运营与出版全球总监Mr. Bill MoranKU游体育演讲会


   Science Careers - Global Job Searching for Chinese Young Talents

  演讲人:Mr. Bill Moran


  演讲地点:  逸夫楼309

  演讲时间:2013年9月6 日 下午3:30—5:00




  请来参加全球顶级学术类杂志《科学》国际协作、运营与出版全球总监Mr. Bill Moran的演讲:




  Bill Moran is currently the Global Director of International Collaboration, Operation and Publishing for Science/AAAS and Science Careers based in Washington DC.

  Bill Moran is responsible for operations related to the following products: Science, Science Signaling, Science Translational Medicine, outreach, custom publishing and Science Careers. Over the past four years Bill is also responsible for international cooperation, and gave lectures in Peking University, Fudan University, University of Science and Technology of China, Sun-Yatsen University, PUMC, UCAS, etc. These responsibilities include partnerships, outreach events and publishing operations. Science Careers is a large part of Bill's responsibility and the task of building awareness for Science Careers as a valuable tool for all researchers regarding career development.

The first ten years of Bill's career were at the Nature Publishing Group. Bill was a senior VP of Nature America based in New York City. While at NPG, Bill developed the strategy and launched the first online job board for NPG. Additionally, his responsibilities included working on several new journal launches, nature jobs, and developing supplements and conferences for NPG.

  Before moving to Science/AAAS Bill was recruited by Informa based in the Boston area to help with their launch into the STM market. While at Informa, Bill was responsible for several new product launches and the acquisition of new journals, including the redesign of online products. 



