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Admission for Advanced Study Programs

一、报名条件(Basic Requirements)


Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens who hold a valid foreign passport. They must hold a bachelor degree (or higher) in medicine or other areas related to medicine, be willing to abide by the laws of China and regulations of Peking University Health Science Center (PKUHSC), and should be in good health status and with sound financial affordability.

二、专业与学制(Majors and duration)

1. 专业(Majors)


Clinical Medicine, Basic Medical Sciences, Pharmacy, Public Health, Nursing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.

2. 学制(Duration)



Long-term: one year clinical rotation focusing on the Chinese doctors’ license test (only for those who graduated from Peking University Health Science Center); one year academic research in one of our non-clinical/dental departments.

Short-term: focus on clinical electives or lab research, from 2 weeks to 6 months.

3. 授课语言(Teaching language)



Long-term: Chinese

Short-term: Chinese and English

三、申请程序(Application Process)

1. 申请时间(Application Date)



Long-term: consulting date starts from April 1, 2024 and ends on June 6 (only work days) ; application date starts from May 27, 2024 and ends on June 7.

Short-term: January, February, July and August are not open for application. Other months are open for application. Applicants should apply at least three months before the proposed program date.

2. 申请方法(Application method)

长期进修生:登陆 http://bjmu.studyatpku.com/ 注册并填写报名信息,每一位同学限报一个医院,按系统要求上传所有附件,经审核通过后缴纳报名费,报名费一经缴纳,不予退还。报名后学校将组织考核,通过考核者方可被录取。

Long-term: Log on the website: http://bjmu.studyatpku.com/ and apply online. Applicants could only apply for one hospital. Please upload all the required documents in the system and waiting for approval. Once approved, applicants should pay 800RMB application fee. The application fee is not refundable. Those who pass the admission tests or interviews organized by the schools will be enrolled. 


For those who apply for the second time (or more), they have to apply and take the admission tests again. We will give priority to those who hasn't had the National Medical License Test yet, and then those who had only once, etc. Please pay special attention to the detailed requirements of each hospital.


短期进修生:短期项目暂无法网上申请,请下载进修生申请表(短期),填写后邮寄至留学生办公室,并缴纳800元报名费。同时提交申请表中所列的其他所有材料,包括证件复印件,Dean’s Letter or Letter of Good Standing,在华医疗及意外保险,免疫接种证明等。所有材料和报名费一经缴纳,不予退还。

Short-term: The online system for short-term programs are not available for now. Please download the application form (short-term program), mail it to our office with 800RMB application fee. Applicants should also submit all the other required documents listed in the application form, including the photocopy of ID/Passport, a Dean’s Letter or Letter of Good Standing, insurance proof, immunology documents, etc. All the materials and application fees are not refundable.

四. 费用(Fees)

1. 长期进修生(long term)


Application fee: 800RMB/Person; Tuition: 52000/Year; Insurance fee: 800/Year; other fees including accommodation, meal, and medical service are all self-paid.

2. 短期进修生(short term)


Application fee: 800RMB/Person; Tuition: 1250/Week; other fees including accommodation, meal, and medical service are all self-paid



Due to lack of accommodation on campus, students applied for this program have to find accommodation by themselves outside the campus. 

六、签证、报到(Visa and Registration)


Once admitted, we will send the JW 202 form and admission letter to the students. They could apply for visas in the local Chinese Embassy with these documents.


Please register in our office on the day specified on the admission letter and pay the related fees on-site.



Center for International Cooperation, PKUHSC, No, 38 Xueyuan Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, 100191, China.

邮政编码 (Postcode):100191

电话(Tel):86-10-82801253(长期long-term); 86-10-82801123 (短期short-term)

Email:nengweigang@bjmu.edu.cn (长期long-term) ;baiyu@bjmu.edu.cn(短期short-term);