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The China Scholarship Scheme (CSC) guidelines for funding in 2013 will soon be released and QUT encourages you to start thinking about your linkages with China and how we might leverage off this scheme. We will start receiving enquiries after the Graduate Fair in China to be held 19-27 Oct. Applications will close 15th December 2012.

A few changes this year should see us able to submit more applications than in previous rounds.

- Existing Chinese national students (QUT Research Masters and PhD students) are now eligible to apply, must be in their first year.  If you know of Chinese students in your school please start talking to them.  Once the scheme guidelines have been released and websites updated, we will contact supervisors of our Chinese students to encourage them to discuss opportunities around this scheme.

- Restrictions on specified universities and specified research fields have been lifted:

§   We can now target students to come from any organization or private sector company in China (in previous rounds, we have been limited to students coming only from approved organizations)

§   We can also target National Government Departments (e.g. Health)

§   We can support students within any area of research.  Previously we were limited to set priority areas which greatly limited which of our schools could take on students (Population and Health, and Environment, used to be the only 2 areas we could reasonably feed into. The list of approved research areas has been dropped.

It is important that we engage with any existing colleagues/partners in China, and work with past students who have gone back to China, to encourage word of mouth and awareness of QUT as a higher education provider.

Visit the new HDR Blackboard site for all your candidature needs - forms, policies, contacts, academic tools.

Visit the Faculty of Health START database to search for exciting new research projects - kick-START your way into Honours, Masters, or Doctoral studies.


